
About us

Ocean4Biotech COST Action

The exploitation of marine bioresources and the valorisation of their natural products are encompassed by the burgeoning field of marine biotechnology, which is a high priority for the successful implementation of Blue Growth and Bioeconomy strategies within the EU. Marine biotechnology contributes to achieving 14 out of 17 UN sustainable development goals.

Ocean4Biotech is a COST action that started in 2019 and will be ongoing until 2023.

More information about Ocean4Biotech Action can be found here.


samples in total


strains in total


Countries involved


Species sampled
Biotechnology research

Participants to the program

While the demand for alternative sources of food, drugs and chemicals is increasing, the sea and its vast biota remain largely underexplored and unexploited. Despite the short history marine organisms delivered close to 30.000 natural products, many more awaiting to be discovered. This implies a strong need for enhanced transdisciplinary collaborations within scientific fields and multisectoral collaboration where citizens, researchers, policy makers, industrial and societal actors can work together.

Algal Biotechnology

 Füsun AKGÜL

41 samples - 42 strains

Biodegradation and Bioprospection


76 samples - 956 strains

Biotecnologie Marine Ecosostenibili

 Giovanna ROMANO

5 samples - 5 strains

Blue Biotechnology and Biomedicine


20 samples - 86 strains

Department of Biology


11 samples - 8 strains

Faculty of Science


15 samples - 2 strains

Instituto de productos naturales y agrobiología

 Mercedes CUETO

22 samples - 12 strains

Irish Marine Biomaterial Database

 Olivier Thomas

374 samples - 1 strains

Marine Biodiscovery

 Olivier (NUIG) THOMAS

2 samples - 3 strains

Marine Biodiversity


702 samples - 0 strains

Marine Biodiversity and Sustainable Oceans

 Maggie REDDY

2776 samples - 0 strains

National Institute of Biology


18 samples - 40 strains